Saturday, March 5, 2011

New subject and New Topics. I am going to start up with a POV on the direction Blizzard is taking with World of Warcraft ( sub canceled), the incoming competition offered by new games such as Rift, DC Universe Online, and games coming in the future, such as Guild Wars 2 and Star Wars: The Old Republic.

I will not only discuss MMOs, but classic titles, recent titles, and again, games taht are coming out soon. One such title will be Bioware's Dragon Age 2. This will release this coming Tuesday, March 8th, 2011.

My old blog is gone, as such, it was never really meant to be viewed and read, it was more of an outlet for the voices in my head. Those voices are now quiet, and I can move to perhaps something a little more fun to talk about.

I will begin posting Sunday, March 6, 2011, and begin with the aforementioned MMO discussion, and go from there.

Everyone have a good night, and

Get your game on!

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