Saturday, April 30, 2011


Let me be clear on something real quick, as I look at the title of my Blog, and see that I could be taken as a complete jack ass with it..

   When I put the title up there, saying "hole" I do not, at any point in time, regard the community at large, as hole. However, there are those individuals, whether it is by accident, or all out honest effort, these people drag down the community with them. As they go about their business, posting their.....own ideas, if you want to call them that, causing people to reply in kind. Now, I am pretty sure that most of us are folks that use common sense, and normally would attempt to reply in a manner that we would like to be replied to. However, our posts usually start off "dear loser, lrn 2 reed stickies".

  But I digress. Please, try to use a modicum of common sense, and count to 10000 before you post something, lest you become like those that you detest.

  Part 2 of my Community of Experts will be coming soon, just after I take some time to look into a few things, I do not want to go off without somethings to back myself up, lest I become like those that I am talking about.

 Happy Gaming folks!

Community of Experts?

It behooves me to think that everyone that frequents a game site, is suddenly an expert in everything that the game company in question. Let us take a look in depth at some of the people that frequent the Bioware - Star Wars : The Old Republic site. Go ahead, take a peek. Take your time, I will wait for you. I encourage you to do so. If that game is not one you are interested in, then by all means, pick on of your choosing. I merely suggested SWTOR because it is a game I am waiting for, and because of the scope of the game, and the exposure, is one that I can make many points on.

Just for the record, I am no expert in matters like these. I am not a developer, a code monkey, an artist, nor a professional writer. I do happen to enjoy a debate, and willing to concede defeat in the face of a superior or more learned opponent. However, with this little exercise, we will soon see that there are too many....experts. People who take their own opinion as the fact, without backing up those 'facts' with proof, evidence or anything to back themselves up for that matter.

Some of these people will take the word of one, and only one persons video with a commentary on it, stating something (again it is only the opinion of the person in the video) as the be all, end all of the issue. Some of these people really need to quit looking for fault in something, in order to validate their own fears, distaste, or lack of knowledge on the subject matter. Without taking the time to back yourself up, how is someone supposed to take your word on something? One has to remember that the video in question is only a 'hands on first impression" and not a review on the final product. I guess it is easier for some people to chime in on the negativity of something, because they have some kind of chip on their shoulder.

With a forum name, and a sharp tongue and dull wit, one can whittle away at the community at large, while feeling good about ones self i guess. With the alleged anonymity of the internet, one can speak out, without repurcussion, and then reply in a fashion that you think belittles the person on the other side of the keyboard.

There are several threads out there, in sveral game forums, from people who read a post, or saw a video, and decided that what they saw, read, or heard was the last fact of the matter. I urge you good readers, do not be one of these people. Take your time to learn what you can about something before you sound off. Take what you read with a grain of salt, even this post. You never know when a real expert is the person you are sounding off too!

 I will continue this course in my next post...Experts Pt II! 

Happy gaming!