Thursday, September 8, 2011


Yeah, I know, I have not been around, even though I promised myself I would show up and rant and rave about all sorts of idiots and morons, and bad games, good games, lousy products and all sorts of shit. Hard to pick one when its ALL crawling OUT OF THE WOODWORK!!!

 Honestly, the last few weeks have been, special, to say the least. I have no idea where to start. Really! I know, pretty hard to understand. I usually I have something to talk about.

 So, lets pick something and go from there.

 The big EA Origin digital sales / delivery service VS Valves Steam.

  I think people need to give their heads a shake, and quit standing up for one company over another. There are things at work behind the big bad CEO / president of a company, and they are called share-holders! These are the people you really need to vent at, if you could ever find them. EA is the big bad evil corp now is it? Has anyone really taken a look at what Apple is up to lately? No? Might it interest you to know that they are gearing up to take companies like Samsung, HP, and others over their Tablets? No, didnt know that? Its over alleged copyright infringement and other misguided accusations Apple has decided has taken place.

 iShit! This is prob the really reason Steve Jobs stepped down, and he didnt want to the iMoron running to the courts because Apple now faces some competition over their iPad.

 Maybe Apple should go iFuck themselves!

 whats next on the list.......Oh..
Woody Hearns of fame....and....uuh....fortune?

 Now, I am all in favour of people using their chosen medium to rant, or rave about things. Now, there comes a point when a person should perhaps....just leave off. Now Hearn's disdain for George Lucas is pretty well known if you follow his comic with any regularity. Even though he has only brought it up a few times, I feel he is kicking a dead horse. Calling Lucas a "hack" though is, well.....based on his own opinion. He uses the term hack to define Lucas as "a writer producing dull and routine work".


 Dull and routine? So GL produces 6 movies (3 really good, and 3.....mediocre), creates a Universe that has several (hundred?) novels, spin-offs, video games, cos-play organizations, (Both of which do lots of Charity work, and I suggest that you check them out,, and and countless fan fiction, fan pic, fan art, fan whatever sites.

 And you draw comics....and are begging for money via your website at least once a year.

 Hows that sit with you now? George Lucas = $billions, Woody Hearns =$0
 Perhaps you might want to pull your head out of your ass, and get the Anti-Dipshit Avenger to punch you in the head. Oh wait.....thats yourself in your comic....oh...thats so funny.

 I would bother posting any thing on his forums, he routinely shuts down threads and bans users that call him out. I should know, he did it to. I called him out sometime ago about something he stated as fact, and got it all wrong. I called him on it, and had the post deleted, and was handed a 3 day ban for Rude Behaviour.
 GoiFuck yourself too.

 Ok, pretty sure I got it out of my system for now. I think I will take a page from Extra Credits book, and discuss something sensible.
 Got a hankering to go over "Intellectual Property" and EULA and stuff like that.
 Meaning, just because you bought the game, doesnt mean you get to do what you want with it.


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