Wednesday, March 20, 2013

You mad bro?

 So, the recent news of the CEO of Electronic Arts stepping down has created some....contreversy. He steps down due to EA's short falls on the stock markets and in general money avenues. You can see or read his departure speech by simplying googling John Riccitielio, or CEO of EA. Im not going to go through it all just to paraphrase it, either to feed the trolls, or defend him.

 Over at CTRL-ALT-DEL comic, a strip has gone up, lampooning the whole thing. Pretty funny I think. Going into the forums to see what people are saying is even funnier. One person makes a point about gamers being part of the problem, and getting flamed for it. I can only imagine that the thread will be full of butt-hurt gamers in a matter of no time.

 Let me spare you the details, as most of them are idiots. Poster PixelOrange hits the nail on the head, by pointing out that EA is there to make money. After that....nothing but mounting idiocy.

 I think the point I am coming too is; EA is a publicly traded company, and is in the business of making the shareholders money. They are too far removed from the fact that they should be making the gamers happy to see what is happening. I shake my head at the fact that vivendi universal (they own blizzrd) does the same thing, but no one goes after them for it.
 People cry over day one DLC for games- but still buy it. WE are the solution to the problem.

 /shakes head.

 Sitting in Deagens channel on, reading all the butt hurt little gamers cry about EA and Origin.


Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Ramblings and such....

The other day it was brought to my attention that the sub numbers for SWTOR have dipped 24.5% to 1.3 million players, with retention of longer term players (since launch) being somewhat higher. This of course has made many people ring the bells, claiming this is the end of SWTOR.

 Forgive me if I am wrong, but I am sure this sounds somewhat familiar......OH YEAH! They said the same thing about World of Warcraft. In fact, the same thing did happen shortly after that games launch. Subs dipped somewhat, and then rebounded some time later, and then continued to climb.....and 12.3million or so at its peak. I will point out that last year or 2010, WoW lost a close to 2million subs in about an 8month period, and yet, they screamed its the end of the game.

 I just have to wonder who some of these people are, and why they think that others take them seriously....or even at all? Some people do....hell, some people will cancel their own subs at the merest mention of "Its getting shut down" or. "Its dying". People need to slow down, or in most cases.....shut up.

 Yeah, Im talking to you, you basement-dwelling troll.

 Shut up. Take a breath. No one is listening to you. No one cares about your opinion.

Time will tell.

 For me, SWTOR launched with more in store for the players than most other MMOs up to this point. Flashpoints- quick instances that allow for people to gather a party together and have some fun, lots of them in there.
 Operations - Your Raids for SWTOR. 8man to 16man runs that test the players, and allow some of the best loot drops in game. (WoW did not launch with Raids, they were patched in upto 6 months later, this tidbit puts SWTOR ahead in my books)

 Story - yeah, Bioware has hammered us over the head story. Each class (8 in all) has their own story line that drags you into the game, and makes you identify with the characters, and get right into the game. (Missing for me was an over-arcing story line, that draws all the classes together, and pushes their own lines along with it (BIOWARE - nudge, nudge, wink wink).

 Questing - Sure, you have to use the usual quest hubs, and return to said hub. The thing I enjoy is popping into an area, and getting more quests (bonus quests), allowing me to while away more time. And getting more exp, and loots.

 I could go on, and on about why I enjoy SWTOR, but I am getting tired of hearing the trolls, and honestly, I dont want to hang out in areas where they congregate.

 Until later folks,

 Happy Gaming!

Sunday, March 4, 2012


 ...And here we go,

   So, Star Wars: The Old Republic has been out since Dec 20/11, (and I havent been here since Sept...jeebus!) and I think it has come time to drop my thoughts on this so far. Keep in mind, that I have not been in WoW since jan 2011, when I decided it was time to pack it in and move on. I decided to do this after reading on the SWTOR Facebook page (mostly for the giggles at the trolls) and seeing how many people still think that WoW is better and refuse to even try something else.

 To those the still play WoW and think that it is the best game for them out there, more power to you. People will play what they want to play. No arguing that point at all. Myself, I think WoW is done. Stick a fork in it, Blizzard has made millions on it, and from all appearances, is ready to move onto the Project Titan. Whatever that turns out to be.

 Moving on, 

 Lets start at the beginning, and the one thing that Bioware never lets drop, Story. Yup, the story behind SWTOR is there, and in your face. Your character's Class Story is big......huge......FRICKEN HUGE!! It spans the full 50 levels in the game, compelling you onward, because you HAVE to see the next segment. I have dabbled in all the classes so far, and I have to say, I have yet to be disappointed in a class story. So far, so good. Very good. I would like to see an over arching story line for the game a little more forward, but hey, I will take this and enjoy it.

  Now, with World of Warcraft, there is story there. You do have to be aware of it, and it would help to play Warcraft1, 2, 3 and all expansions and add ons for those games. Playing those will give someone a pretty good sense of the game, when things happened, who the main players are, how they affected the game world and what they are doing now. Starting things up, now, after Cataclysm, things are a little sketchy. Some one starting up after WoW-Fu Panda fires up, might have some questions.

 Next voice acting -

 SWTOR - Has a World Record for this. Look it up. The acting is amazing, with some of the most talented people providing voices for this game. Really, nothing more can be said.

 WoW - "Stop poking me!"  I still get a giggle at that

Graphics -

   To each their own on this one. I actually enjoy both art styles. SWTOR has a level of Mass Effect "realism" while WoW has their 'cartoony' style. Yeah, I cannot complain about either myself, I am sure that someone out there can and will.

There are many reasons out there to enjoy or hate a game. Just make sure you play it before you pass judgement. Who knows, you might actually find something new out there to enjoy!

 For me, for now, The Force is strong with this, and WoW, we had fun together, but it was time to move on.

 What are you playing now, and why.

 Please do me the favour of retweeting and passing this on, I am here to start discussions, and hear people out....

Happy gaming!!

Thursday, September 8, 2011


Yeah, I know, I have not been around, even though I promised myself I would show up and rant and rave about all sorts of idiots and morons, and bad games, good games, lousy products and all sorts of shit. Hard to pick one when its ALL crawling OUT OF THE WOODWORK!!!

 Honestly, the last few weeks have been, special, to say the least. I have no idea where to start. Really! I know, pretty hard to understand. I usually I have something to talk about.

 So, lets pick something and go from there.

 The big EA Origin digital sales / delivery service VS Valves Steam.

  I think people need to give their heads a shake, and quit standing up for one company over another. There are things at work behind the big bad CEO / president of a company, and they are called share-holders! These are the people you really need to vent at, if you could ever find them. EA is the big bad evil corp now is it? Has anyone really taken a look at what Apple is up to lately? No? Might it interest you to know that they are gearing up to take companies like Samsung, HP, and others over their Tablets? No, didnt know that? Its over alleged copyright infringement and other misguided accusations Apple has decided has taken place.

 iShit! This is prob the really reason Steve Jobs stepped down, and he didnt want to the iMoron running to the courts because Apple now faces some competition over their iPad.

 Maybe Apple should go iFuck themselves!

 whats next on the list.......Oh..
Woody Hearns of fame....and....uuh....fortune?

 Now, I am all in favour of people using their chosen medium to rant, or rave about things. Now, there comes a point when a person should perhaps....just leave off. Now Hearn's disdain for George Lucas is pretty well known if you follow his comic with any regularity. Even though he has only brought it up a few times, I feel he is kicking a dead horse. Calling Lucas a "hack" though is, well.....based on his own opinion. He uses the term hack to define Lucas as "a writer producing dull and routine work".


 Dull and routine? So GL produces 6 movies (3 really good, and 3.....mediocre), creates a Universe that has several (hundred?) novels, spin-offs, video games, cos-play organizations, (Both of which do lots of Charity work, and I suggest that you check them out,, and and countless fan fiction, fan pic, fan art, fan whatever sites.

 And you draw comics....and are begging for money via your website at least once a year.

 Hows that sit with you now? George Lucas = $billions, Woody Hearns =$0
 Perhaps you might want to pull your head out of your ass, and get the Anti-Dipshit Avenger to punch you in the head. Oh wait.....thats yourself in your comic....oh...thats so funny.

 I would bother posting any thing on his forums, he routinely shuts down threads and bans users that call him out. I should know, he did it to. I called him out sometime ago about something he stated as fact, and got it all wrong. I called him on it, and had the post deleted, and was handed a 3 day ban for Rude Behaviour.
 GoiFuck yourself too.

 Ok, pretty sure I got it out of my system for now. I think I will take a page from Extra Credits book, and discuss something sensible.
 Got a hankering to go over "Intellectual Property" and EULA and stuff like that.
 Meaning, just because you bought the game, doesnt mean you get to do what you want with it.


Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Dropped the ball

Yeah, the aforementioned post is still coming, however I am going to take some time with it. Valve can suck it, and so can all your fan boys!

 fan Girls can suck something else, and that line starts right here!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011



 New post to come soon, it seems that some idiots within the gamer community need their heads slapped and a wake up call. Im going to discuss EA's Origin, Vs Valves Steam.

 Most of you vavle fan bois can suck a giant corporate dick!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011


Sorry for walking away from this again, but for me, I just cannot sit down and punch this one out lately. There is either nothing going on, or too much going on, and I cannot nail down a subject. I could take shots at Blizzard and Activision again, but whats the point in that? They seem quite content to be Public Enemy #1 with gamers and the gaming community lately. The latest having much to do with Diablo 3. Really should have seen some of this coming, but it caught me off guard, and apparently a lot of people as well. Let's take a quick look here, number one, Online play....ONLY. Yeah, you read that right, you can only play Diablo 3 with an active internet connection, not on a plane, or a train, or even in the car or minivan (as long as you aren't driving). Number two, they appear to have an in game auction house, allowing you to sell anything, for in game currency, or real-world money. Add to this the fact that Blizz has not one, nor two, but three surcharges that they will nail you with. First is a listing fee, second is a winners fee, and third, is a fee they charge when you attempt to cash out your account. Sounds shady eh? I thought so. Wonder how much money they are going to make? I am betting it will be in the millions of dollars.
 You know people are going to play, and you know they are going to utilize the Auction House. Blizz gives them another license to print money.

 It us up to you, either bitch, whine, and cry about it, or do not buy the game.

 I am sure there are other issues, but I honestly cannot go on right now. Think my droopy eyes are telling me something.

 Could be sleep now.....or fire Borderlands, and give us some eye candy.