Nothing really new and interesting to go on about. With the E3 (Electronic and Entertainment Expo) happening in about one weeks time, I am sure I will have more to talk about down the road.
Current speculation is the Bioware will give us a release date for Star Wars : The Old Republic, and something that Blizzard is working on. Honestly, I couldnt care less what Blizz does, other than a release for Diablo 3. SOE will more than likely bring out Planetside 2, and maybe something on Everquest 3. Yes, EQ3. Two more titles for SOE to bring out, then forget about. Why do they bother?
I'm pretty sure that there will be more going on at E3 than that, but in all seriousness, I can't be bothered. Hop on over to and have a look for yourself. A good number of exhibitors will be on hand. Might be something else there that you will like. Hoping to be able to go to E3 some year, and be able to report on the goings on, would be very interesting.
In the mean time, I am going to look at setting up a blog based on SWTOR. Not sure what my content is going to be on, or if I will go ahead and do it. Time will tell.
Oh, cynicalbrit posted his latest podcast, very good stuff. He goes more into in rage on Blizzard in a little more detail. Head over to and give a listen. I personally enjoy his work.
..and I'm out for now
Happy Gaming!!
A general critique games, gamers, and the community as a whole. Or hole....depending on how you look at it.
Sunday, May 29, 2011
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Well, well, well. If you are not aware of the Cynical Brit, the Totalbiscuit, the Totalhalibut, has called an end to his daily show, Azeroth Daily, and his own WoW account. This stems from the recent announcement that Blizzard was going ahead and nerfing current Normal Mode Raiding content and bosses. This is something rather significant, as the next patch for World of Warcraft 4.2, brings only one raid dungeon, and 7 bosses. Now, one would argue that this nothing major for a content update. I would agree with that person, and continue my own hiatus from the game.
Mr. Biscuit, I salute you, and your choice. I have enjoyed your shows, even though I no longer play the game, is nice to keep in touch, and remember why I no longer play. For more on why he has stopped, please head on over to his Facebook page, where you should be able to find a link to his shows, and view the Azeroth Daily for May 24, 2011. he will go into more detail on his decision, and the game at hand.
Bad Blizzard, bad, *grabs Blizzards head and rubs their collective noses in their mess*
And as always, Happy gaming folks.
Please, I urge you to make you own choices regarding the games you play. Do not go with other peoples words and their own choices, if you still enjoy World of Warcraft despite Blizzards lack of imagination and actual problem solving, then keep playing. Do not stop on someone else s account.
Mr. Biscuit, I salute you, and your choice. I have enjoyed your shows, even though I no longer play the game, is nice to keep in touch, and remember why I no longer play. For more on why he has stopped, please head on over to his Facebook page, where you should be able to find a link to his shows, and view the Azeroth Daily for May 24, 2011. he will go into more detail on his decision, and the game at hand.
Bad Blizzard, bad, *grabs Blizzards head and rubs their collective noses in their mess*
And as always, Happy gaming folks.
Please, I urge you to make you own choices regarding the games you play. Do not go with other peoples words and their own choices, if you still enjoy World of Warcraft despite Blizzards lack of imagination and actual problem solving, then keep playing. Do not stop on someone else s account.
ME, ME, ME ME!!!
So, I made the mistake of going over the Official Community forums over at, and actually thinking I would not be taken off guard by anything. How wrong was I? VERY!! It all started with the first thread title I saw at the top of the page "Why Player Housing, Sandbox Worlds, and Player Generated Content is Important". Now, I found this interesting, could this be a rather rousing discussion in which people intelligently, and (more importantly, ADULTLY (yeah yeah, thats not a word, shut it!)) talk about features that could be added in game? Or, more than likely, is it a juvenile flame-fest in which self-entitled snot-bag whiners bitch and whine about what they want. (Guess, go on, guess which one it was!) (Hint: look at the title)
The Original Poster starts off to state features from another game that he would like to see, because, to him they were interesting and fun. The usual smart ass responses come up from the community at large, which, in cases like these, is to expected, most of those are tame, and kind of funny. OP comes back to indicate that only Sandbox MMOs are successful, and this theme park MMO is doomed to failure without said features. (Ok, he didn't, Im paraphrasing from MANY, MANY people from the thread)
Perhaps I should go into things a little more such as Sandbox and Theme Park Games. Lets see, to start off, defining a Sandbox game - The developers create the world, and some base rules that govern said world. The players then come along, and create the content of the game. Pretty sure the best example of this is kind of game is EVE Online. Its pretty good, and has a devout following. Given the overall 'theme' of the game, I am sure this is why it made a good sandbox game (
While a Theme Park MMO is more along the lines of, World of Warcraft, where the world, the rules, and the content are already there for the players. They just go from ride to ride, taking it all in. Both styles of games have their merits and their downfalls. They have their fans and their detractors. Frankly, I just don't see the point of going and telling someone "Game A sucks, and Game B rules".
(I didn't link WoW, because, well, I am sure everyone can find it)
Now, back to the main point, and with the OP's outlandish statement, and lack of proof with which to back himself up, he never returned to the thread. Funny how that happens. About a page in or so, Georg Zoeller (One of the developers) comments on the style of the game (Theme Park) and how they have not hidden that fact over the last 3 or 4 years. Please notice, this game has been in development since 2008, or earlier, and it is now 2011, and the game is slated for release sometime this year. The first post about the Original subject was brought up May 22, 2011. Kind of late for this line of thought now isn't it? Now, the OP was not the part that made me /facepalm several times, it is posts from people who go out of their way to not only insult the development team, but tells them how to do their jobs!! I just have to wonder which games these people have worked on and put into the market?
The overall sense of self-entitlement has to stem from somewhere. Im guessing that mommy and daddy didn't use some form of discipline, or, maybe, just maybe, they picked it up somewhere else. Given the current track record of Blizzard rolling over and playing dead with the whiny-assed-snot-nosed 'children' that play their game, I am taking aim at them. Bad Blizzard, BAD!! If I could, I would run your nose in this stinking mess you created! For those that do not know, Blizzard came under fire by the 'community' for making their content too hard. Now, community in this case, is in quotes, because, well, any sense or anything resembling a community DOES NOT EXIST in WoW. EverQuest, had (and still does) a community. Why did this happen? I do not know. Pretty sure it had someone thinking, "hey, if no one knows my real name, I can be a complete and total jackass, with out any repercussions. So far, that train of thought has caught on, and seems to be the mainstream thinking now. And i see the community of SWTOR heading the same way.
Anyways, with this alleged 'backlash' aimed at Blizzard for challenging content, they turned around, and in the "Wrath of The Lich King" expansion, the end game content was.....dumbed down.
Instead of having to raid and wait for your turn at Epic lewts, now people can get tokens to get their gear. Not a bad thing, but considering that the tokens (points, badges, whatever) dropped or flowed rather freely, grabbing your gear was pretty easy.
For me, right now, I am done. Look, if you want people to take your seriously, don't act like a whiny piece of crap.
Thats it from me right now, and as always,
Happy Gaming.
EDIT - Adding a link to what I have just alluded to. Thank you Mr. TotalBiscuit, The Cynical Brit!
I would like to point out really quickly, that again, Blizzard has rolled over, and played dead for the whining masses of self entitled players, by nerfing content again, instead of making players try a little harder to achieve something, and make the game worthwhile.
The Original Poster starts off to state features from another game that he would like to see, because, to him they were interesting and fun. The usual smart ass responses come up from the community at large, which, in cases like these, is to expected, most of those are tame, and kind of funny. OP comes back to indicate that only Sandbox MMOs are successful, and this theme park MMO is doomed to failure without said features. (Ok, he didn't, Im paraphrasing from MANY, MANY people from the thread)
Perhaps I should go into things a little more such as Sandbox and Theme Park Games. Lets see, to start off, defining a Sandbox game - The developers create the world, and some base rules that govern said world. The players then come along, and create the content of the game. Pretty sure the best example of this is kind of game is EVE Online. Its pretty good, and has a devout following. Given the overall 'theme' of the game, I am sure this is why it made a good sandbox game (
While a Theme Park MMO is more along the lines of, World of Warcraft, where the world, the rules, and the content are already there for the players. They just go from ride to ride, taking it all in. Both styles of games have their merits and their downfalls. They have their fans and their detractors. Frankly, I just don't see the point of going and telling someone "Game A sucks, and Game B rules".
(I didn't link WoW, because, well, I am sure everyone can find it)
Now, back to the main point, and with the OP's outlandish statement, and lack of proof with which to back himself up, he never returned to the thread. Funny how that happens. About a page in or so, Georg Zoeller (One of the developers) comments on the style of the game (Theme Park) and how they have not hidden that fact over the last 3 or 4 years. Please notice, this game has been in development since 2008, or earlier, and it is now 2011, and the game is slated for release sometime this year. The first post about the Original subject was brought up May 22, 2011. Kind of late for this line of thought now isn't it? Now, the OP was not the part that made me /facepalm several times, it is posts from people who go out of their way to not only insult the development team, but tells them how to do their jobs!! I just have to wonder which games these people have worked on and put into the market?
The overall sense of self-entitlement has to stem from somewhere. Im guessing that mommy and daddy didn't use some form of discipline, or, maybe, just maybe, they picked it up somewhere else. Given the current track record of Blizzard rolling over and playing dead with the whiny-assed-snot-nosed 'children' that play their game, I am taking aim at them. Bad Blizzard, BAD!! If I could, I would run your nose in this stinking mess you created! For those that do not know, Blizzard came under fire by the 'community' for making their content too hard. Now, community in this case, is in quotes, because, well, any sense or anything resembling a community DOES NOT EXIST in WoW. EverQuest, had (and still does) a community. Why did this happen? I do not know. Pretty sure it had someone thinking, "hey, if no one knows my real name, I can be a complete and total jackass, with out any repercussions. So far, that train of thought has caught on, and seems to be the mainstream thinking now. And i see the community of SWTOR heading the same way.
Anyways, with this alleged 'backlash' aimed at Blizzard for challenging content, they turned around, and in the "Wrath of The Lich King" expansion, the end game content was.....dumbed down.
Instead of having to raid and wait for your turn at Epic lewts, now people can get tokens to get their gear. Not a bad thing, but considering that the tokens (points, badges, whatever) dropped or flowed rather freely, grabbing your gear was pretty easy.
For me, right now, I am done. Look, if you want people to take your seriously, don't act like a whiny piece of crap.
Thats it from me right now, and as always,
Happy Gaming.
EDIT - Adding a link to what I have just alluded to. Thank you Mr. TotalBiscuit, The Cynical Brit!
I would like to point out really quickly, that again, Blizzard has rolled over, and played dead for the whining masses of self entitled players, by nerfing content again, instead of making players try a little harder to achieve something, and make the game worthwhile.
Thursday, May 12, 2011
You're dripping your WoW into my TOR!
Over the last few years, and several crappy "hands on previews" reviews, a good number of people have stated their own fact, that The Old Republic is nothing more than WoW with a Star Wars skin! If I had my way, these people would beaten with plastic Lightsabers, and dumped at the front doors of Blizzards HO, with fanboi written on the their foreheads in Jiffy Marker (tm). To, to emulate something successful, and borrow things from other games isnt all that bad. The Formula has worked for Blizz for close to seven years now. Good on them.
The issue that bothers me, is that after every thought that TOR is WOW with a sci-fi skin, is the next thought, that they should take more from WOW to put into TOR, if only to cause some people headaches and the usual nerd-rage flame posts on the official forums.
The latest of these, 'ideas' is that people want to 'dual-specc' their characters in TOR, bring more WoW drippings into something that already appears to have lots of its own 'flavours'. To those that do not know, dual-speccing your character is to be able to utilize two of the three talent trees used for character development in World of Warcraft, giving said character abilities to define its role within the game. So, in the case of, say, a Warrior, the person could dual specc it to be able to offer up the role of both a Tank (protection, aggro control, mob control damage absorption) or to deal damage, the DPS role (damage per second, mad crits yo!) OR in the case of the Paladin, they can pick two of three roles such as Tank (not too badly) DPS (laughable again, I hear) or Healing (too well, I hear). Now to me, this fits within this fantasy setting. Dont ask me why, to me, it just does. Perhaps because it is the fact that these are talents, and not an example of true class building.
To add this into The Old Republic, would be...awful. To begin, I would have to point out that they way I feel class advancement is done there, is that, say, Jedi Consular is your "role" rather than class, and then to move into the Shadow, or Sage, would be closer defined as a Class. Heck, even replace "Role" with Archetype" and that would be better. This would then suggest that to head down the 'Sage" line, implies that all you are trained in, Healing, ranged/melee dps, and CC (crowd control). To sit back and say, "Hang on, let me change specc" just doesn't work in the Star Wars universe.
The same could be said for respeccing. To change your class mid game. Considering that your personal story within the game is based upon the choices you make, this would be kind of immersion breaking to some degree. Also, what mechanic would they use to allow to you change? Use the Force, or drop a star cruiser on your head? Im all for the second one, just to see it happen! Seriously, I would pay for my friends to respecc, on a regular basis!
Add-ons! Add-ons? Considering the fact that the game has not yet been released, I do not see the need for add-ons.Yet. Now, there are some add-ons I think should be allowed, and some I think that should never see the light of day. Ones I would happily endorse, a threat or aggro meter. Yup. After spending years upon years playing a healer, I know the need for one. Although, I did spend years and years in EQ, raiding, as a healer, and never required one. Hmmm! That took some practice, and because I think that Raid Healing in EQ relied so heavily upon healer rotation, that one person could never really drag threat away from the tank. DPS on the other hand, I remember peeling threat away as easily as some might peel a banana! heheh....squishy dps.
Anything like DPS meters, or a gear score addon. Nope. While I can admit that both might have had, uuhh, good intentions for their creation (I highly doubt it, but I am going to go with it), but only lead to misuse amongst the 'elite' of the WoW community. Sure, that Prot Warr has a gear score of 10k, but he got carried by his guild through all the raid content, and couldnt hold onto anything, let alone threat or aggro.
I remember building one of my toons up, and while my dps was getting better each session, it wasnt near the levels I wanted it. I remember getting punted from a non-heroic grp, because my dps wasnt 6k+!! Eh?
Again, I am sure that someone created these add ons for use in gauging raid bosses, and trying to find out where they, as a guild stood compared to the encounters they would be facing. However, the were more than frequently misused, leading to backlash amongst the larger community.
Lastly, Dungeon-Finders, or Looking For Group tool. I am on the fence with this one. Now, I am in a guild for TOR, and I am going to be running everything with my guild. PVP, Flashpoints, end game raids. I really do not intend to use something like this. I suppose that there are people that will. Cross Server? NO! Emphatic NO! I would wholeheartedly agree with how a cross server LFG system wrecks the community. Random grouping with people from your own server, means you still have to mind your manners, and not be a douche bag! Repercussions will follow if you do. With Cross server, you can be an asshat, and not have worry about randomly grouping with those people again.
I can only wait and see what becomes of all this in the end.
E3 Prediction, we get a launch date, and it will be in September 2011!!
Happy gaming everyone.
Over the last few years, and several crappy "hands on previews" reviews, a good number of people have stated their own fact, that The Old Republic is nothing more than WoW with a Star Wars skin! If I had my way, these people would beaten with plastic Lightsabers, and dumped at the front doors of Blizzards HO, with fanboi written on the their foreheads in Jiffy Marker (tm). To, to emulate something successful, and borrow things from other games isnt all that bad. The Formula has worked for Blizz for close to seven years now. Good on them.
The issue that bothers me, is that after every thought that TOR is WOW with a sci-fi skin, is the next thought, that they should take more from WOW to put into TOR, if only to cause some people headaches and the usual nerd-rage flame posts on the official forums.
The latest of these, 'ideas' is that people want to 'dual-specc' their characters in TOR, bring more WoW drippings into something that already appears to have lots of its own 'flavours'. To those that do not know, dual-speccing your character is to be able to utilize two of the three talent trees used for character development in World of Warcraft, giving said character abilities to define its role within the game. So, in the case of, say, a Warrior, the person could dual specc it to be able to offer up the role of both a Tank (protection, aggro control, mob control damage absorption) or to deal damage, the DPS role (damage per second, mad crits yo!) OR in the case of the Paladin, they can pick two of three roles such as Tank (not too badly) DPS (laughable again, I hear) or Healing (too well, I hear). Now to me, this fits within this fantasy setting. Dont ask me why, to me, it just does. Perhaps because it is the fact that these are talents, and not an example of true class building.
To add this into The Old Republic, would be...awful. To begin, I would have to point out that they way I feel class advancement is done there, is that, say, Jedi Consular is your "role" rather than class, and then to move into the Shadow, or Sage, would be closer defined as a Class. Heck, even replace "Role" with Archetype" and that would be better. This would then suggest that to head down the 'Sage" line, implies that all you are trained in, Healing, ranged/melee dps, and CC (crowd control). To sit back and say, "Hang on, let me change specc" just doesn't work in the Star Wars universe.
The same could be said for respeccing. To change your class mid game. Considering that your personal story within the game is based upon the choices you make, this would be kind of immersion breaking to some degree. Also, what mechanic would they use to allow to you change? Use the Force, or drop a star cruiser on your head? Im all for the second one, just to see it happen! Seriously, I would pay for my friends to respecc, on a regular basis!
Add-ons! Add-ons? Considering the fact that the game has not yet been released, I do not see the need for add-ons.Yet. Now, there are some add-ons I think should be allowed, and some I think that should never see the light of day. Ones I would happily endorse, a threat or aggro meter. Yup. After spending years upon years playing a healer, I know the need for one. Although, I did spend years and years in EQ, raiding, as a healer, and never required one. Hmmm! That took some practice, and because I think that Raid Healing in EQ relied so heavily upon healer rotation, that one person could never really drag threat away from the tank. DPS on the other hand, I remember peeling threat away as easily as some might peel a banana! heheh....squishy dps.
Anything like DPS meters, or a gear score addon. Nope. While I can admit that both might have had, uuhh, good intentions for their creation (I highly doubt it, but I am going to go with it), but only lead to misuse amongst the 'elite' of the WoW community. Sure, that Prot Warr has a gear score of 10k, but he got carried by his guild through all the raid content, and couldnt hold onto anything, let alone threat or aggro.
I remember building one of my toons up, and while my dps was getting better each session, it wasnt near the levels I wanted it. I remember getting punted from a non-heroic grp, because my dps wasnt 6k+!! Eh?
Again, I am sure that someone created these add ons for use in gauging raid bosses, and trying to find out where they, as a guild stood compared to the encounters they would be facing. However, the were more than frequently misused, leading to backlash amongst the larger community.
Lastly, Dungeon-Finders, or Looking For Group tool. I am on the fence with this one. Now, I am in a guild for TOR, and I am going to be running everything with my guild. PVP, Flashpoints, end game raids. I really do not intend to use something like this. I suppose that there are people that will. Cross Server? NO! Emphatic NO! I would wholeheartedly agree with how a cross server LFG system wrecks the community. Random grouping with people from your own server, means you still have to mind your manners, and not be a douche bag! Repercussions will follow if you do. With Cross server, you can be an asshat, and not have worry about randomly grouping with those people again.
I can only wait and see what becomes of all this in the end.
E3 Prediction, we get a launch date, and it will be in September 2011!!
Happy gaming everyone.
Sunday, May 8, 2011
A Change in the Guard!
Well then, this has been a day and half. Just the other day, I read over at, that one of the contributors and co-hosts was leaving. Fo'diggity (Matt) is stepping away from the show for various personal reasons, probably the most pressing is his upcoming wedding! Congratulations, and sorry to see you go,but all the best to you and your bride, and your upcoming union!
Today upon coming home, and relaxing in front of the glow of my good old CRT, I discovered that both Kimmi and Musco have also decided to step away for various personal reasons. Again, another shocker. I guess running the show over a period of 101 weeks will take its toll. With all the planning, editing, casting, recording, further editing, writing of editorials, skimming pages upon pages of forums, digging for those tidbits, more editing, more planning and site work.
Wow......made me tired just thinking about it.
Fo, Musco, and Kimmi, just let me say, thank you for the wonderful shows! Thank you for the effort and time put into a great site, fantastic work guys! You will all be missed by the community around Toro-cast.
Samm, I wish you the best of luck with keeping things going. Considering how big the community is, I am sure that you will find yourself some quality help in keeping things going over there!
I would drop my name in the hat for working for you, but my own work schedule is pretty random as it is, and even getting to do this on a regular basis is hard. (and oh, yeah, my writing is pretty bad and needs lots of work before I go pro!!)
Happy gaming guys and girl!!
Best of Luck to you all!!
Today upon coming home, and relaxing in front of the glow of my good old CRT, I discovered that both Kimmi and Musco have also decided to step away for various personal reasons. Again, another shocker. I guess running the show over a period of 101 weeks will take its toll. With all the planning, editing, casting, recording, further editing, writing of editorials, skimming pages upon pages of forums, digging for those tidbits, more editing, more planning and site work.
Wow......made me tired just thinking about it.
Fo, Musco, and Kimmi, just let me say, thank you for the wonderful shows! Thank you for the effort and time put into a great site, fantastic work guys! You will all be missed by the community around Toro-cast.
Samm, I wish you the best of luck with keeping things going. Considering how big the community is, I am sure that you will find yourself some quality help in keeping things going over there!
I would drop my name in the hat for working for you, but my own work schedule is pretty random as it is, and even getting to do this on a regular basis is hard. (and oh, yeah, my writing is pretty bad and needs lots of work before I go pro!!)
Happy gaming guys and girl!!
Best of Luck to you all!!
Friday, May 6, 2011
Part 2
A number of days ago, I went into rant about the Gaming Community at large, and how we all have become 'experts' in something that I am pretty most of us know nothing about. I felt that at some point, someone could place blame on someone. In that line of thinking, there is a root person, or group of people that we can point at and state "Heretic, Unbeliever!!!" To me, this would be a group of people known as, Game Reviewers. Some of them at least. There are some that do their best to be unbiased and present a game in as neutral fashion as they can. If they liked it, here is why, if they did not like, here is why. That is something I can deal with.
Then, along comes someone, like, 'Angry Joe'. Enough said! he presents his show in an over the top fashion, yelling at the screen, like we all have been deafened by his previous lunatic rants. I could do on, but honestly why? Upon going back, and re-reviewing his show in a few cases, I found his hands on to be....well, decent. I cannot find fault with his actual reviews, just in his method of delivery. Perhaps if he took more of his prescription, I would find him more bearable. Another person / site to take to task is, and most of their reviews. I have to wonder how one person could find SWTOR, played over a two day period, for, what, I would think 8 to 10hrs, and gave the game a poor rating. Mind you, this is still a beta build, and with only 20 or so people playing the game at this point. Go on, read the review, take your time. Also, if you want, read up on some of......their..... fans? I do not have the words to describe these people. Something along the lines of 'bible-thumpers' would be close. This is the same site that gave Star Trek Online a 7/10 review right after launch. They did! Good look that one up while you are there!
If you had the 'luck' to play that game, right after launch, ( I did, on a 10day free pass, and very glad of it) one would see that the game was...devoid of anything beyond the space combat. Away-Missions, were awful, go here and kill 10 Klingons, gather data from the computer, destroy this.
Pretty much the same crap that they gave SWTOR a hard score for having, and yet they glowed about this one!
Bit-Tech.....I honestly hope that each one of your reviewers gets anally raped by a rather large Rhino on the way to the store when they are picking up their CE SWTOR at launch. Douche-nozzles. Now, if you had read all their little minions remarks, we can move on.
To me, that is the most disturbing thing, have we, as a race, let alone a society, become so dependent upon another persons opinion about something, that we can use that as an excuse to not try something? If you really wanted to, you can actually get up off your chair, head to a store, and go 'rent' one of the games that they are reviewing, and try it for yourself! Really! You can! Pretty sure they are services out there that will deliver as well. No need to leave your house, and see other people, and .....the sun. You could do yourself a real favour by doing this, as there are some real great games out there that these guys have crapped all over. Just have a look, and see for yourself. They are out there.
I guess what I am getting at, is that we need to start thinking and acting for ourselves, and stop taking some of these crack-pots for their word, and their word alone. Hell, I even take the evening news with a grain of salt. Mostly due to the depressing nature of it. I would advise someone to read all the reviews they can find, and then, if that game, movie, book, TV show, still interests you, watch it, read it, play it! I have, and some occasions, I have wondered what the hell I just did. But, on many others, I have thoroughly enjoyed my time, and my money well spent.
I end with a quote, which I am paraphrasing, I think, roughly, from The Cynical Brit, on one of his shows, talking about another one of his shows,
"Think for your gawd-damned selves!"
So, quit giving blow-hard rage monkeys like 'Angry Joe' so much worship that they do not deserve, and open your mind to what is out there, you never know, you might find something you might like!!
and, as always,
Happy Gaming!
Then, along comes someone, like, 'Angry Joe'. Enough said! he presents his show in an over the top fashion, yelling at the screen, like we all have been deafened by his previous lunatic rants. I could do on, but honestly why? Upon going back, and re-reviewing his show in a few cases, I found his hands on to be....well, decent. I cannot find fault with his actual reviews, just in his method of delivery. Perhaps if he took more of his prescription, I would find him more bearable. Another person / site to take to task is, and most of their reviews. I have to wonder how one person could find SWTOR, played over a two day period, for, what, I would think 8 to 10hrs, and gave the game a poor rating. Mind you, this is still a beta build, and with only 20 or so people playing the game at this point. Go on, read the review, take your time. Also, if you want, read up on some of......their..... fans? I do not have the words to describe these people. Something along the lines of 'bible-thumpers' would be close. This is the same site that gave Star Trek Online a 7/10 review right after launch. They did! Good look that one up while you are there!
If you had the 'luck' to play that game, right after launch, ( I did, on a 10day free pass, and very glad of it) one would see that the game was...devoid of anything beyond the space combat. Away-Missions, were awful, go here and kill 10 Klingons, gather data from the computer, destroy this.
Pretty much the same crap that they gave SWTOR a hard score for having, and yet they glowed about this one!
Bit-Tech.....I honestly hope that each one of your reviewers gets anally raped by a rather large Rhino on the way to the store when they are picking up their CE SWTOR at launch. Douche-nozzles. Now, if you had read all their little minions remarks, we can move on.
To me, that is the most disturbing thing, have we, as a race, let alone a society, become so dependent upon another persons opinion about something, that we can use that as an excuse to not try something? If you really wanted to, you can actually get up off your chair, head to a store, and go 'rent' one of the games that they are reviewing, and try it for yourself! Really! You can! Pretty sure they are services out there that will deliver as well. No need to leave your house, and see other people, and .....the sun. You could do yourself a real favour by doing this, as there are some real great games out there that these guys have crapped all over. Just have a look, and see for yourself. They are out there.
I guess what I am getting at, is that we need to start thinking and acting for ourselves, and stop taking some of these crack-pots for their word, and their word alone. Hell, I even take the evening news with a grain of salt. Mostly due to the depressing nature of it. I would advise someone to read all the reviews they can find, and then, if that game, movie, book, TV show, still interests you, watch it, read it, play it! I have, and some occasions, I have wondered what the hell I just did. But, on many others, I have thoroughly enjoyed my time, and my money well spent.
I end with a quote, which I am paraphrasing, I think, roughly, from The Cynical Brit, on one of his shows, talking about another one of his shows,
"Think for your gawd-damned selves!"
So, quit giving blow-hard rage monkeys like 'Angry Joe' so much worship that they do not deserve, and open your mind to what is out there, you never know, you might find something you might like!!
and, as always,
Happy Gaming!
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