Friday, May 6, 2011

Part 2

A number of days ago, I went into rant about the Gaming Community at large, and how we all have become 'experts' in something that I am pretty most of us know nothing about. I felt that at some point, someone could place blame on someone. In that line of thinking, there is a root person, or group of people that we can point at and state "Heretic, Unbeliever!!!" To me, this would be a group of people known as, Game Reviewers. Some of them at least. There are some that do their best to be unbiased and present a game in as neutral fashion as they can. If they liked it, here is why, if they did not like, here is why. That is something I can deal with.

   Then, along comes someone, like, 'Angry Joe'. Enough said! he presents his show in an over the top fashion, yelling at the screen, like we all have been deafened by his previous lunatic rants. I could do on, but honestly why? Upon going back, and re-reviewing his show in a few cases, I found his hands on to be....well, decent. I cannot find fault with his actual reviews, just in his method of delivery. Perhaps if he took more of his prescription, I would find him more bearable. Another person / site to take to task is, and most of their reviews. I have to wonder how one person could find SWTOR, played over a two day period, for, what, I would think 8 to 10hrs, and gave the game a poor rating. Mind you, this is still a beta build, and with only 20 or so people playing the game at this point. Go on, read the review, take your time. Also, if you want, read up on some of......their..... fans? I do not have the words to describe these people. Something along the lines of 'bible-thumpers' would be close. This is the same site that gave Star Trek Online a 7/10 review right after launch. They did! Good look that one up while you are there!
   If you had the 'luck' to play that game, right after launch, ( I did, on a 10day free pass, and very glad of it) one would see that the game was...devoid of anything beyond the space combat. Away-Missions, were awful, go here and kill 10 Klingons, gather data from the computer, destroy this.
  Pretty much the same crap that they gave SWTOR a hard score for having, and yet they glowed about this one!
  Bit-Tech.....I honestly hope that each one of your reviewers gets anally raped by a rather large Rhino on the way to the store when they are picking up their CE SWTOR at launch. Douche-nozzles. Now, if you had read all their little minions remarks, we can move on.
 To me, that is the most disturbing thing, have we, as a race, let alone a society, become so dependent upon another persons opinion about something, that we can use that as an excuse to not try something? If you really wanted to, you can actually get up off your chair, head to a store, and go 'rent' one of the games that they are reviewing, and try it for yourself! Really! You can! Pretty sure they are services out there that will deliver as well. No need to leave your house, and see other people, and .....the sun. You could do yourself a real favour by doing this, as there are some real great games out there that these guys have crapped all over. Just have a look, and see for yourself. They are out there.

   I guess what I am getting at, is that we need to start thinking and acting for ourselves, and stop taking some of these crack-pots for their word, and their word alone. Hell, I even take the evening news with a grain of salt. Mostly due to the depressing nature of it. I would advise someone to read all the reviews they can find, and then, if that game, movie, book, TV show, still interests you, watch it, read it, play it! I have, and some occasions, I have wondered what the hell I just did. But, on many others, I have thoroughly enjoyed my time, and my money well spent.

I end with a quote, which I am paraphrasing, I think, roughly, from The Cynical Brit, on one of his shows, talking about another one of his shows,
  "Think for your gawd-damned selves!"

 So, quit giving blow-hard rage monkeys like 'Angry Joe' so much worship that they do not deserve, and open your mind to what is out there, you never know, you might find something you might like!!

 and, as always,

 Happy Gaming!

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