So, I made the mistake of going over the Official Community forums over at, and actually thinking I would not be taken off guard by anything. How wrong was I? VERY!! It all started with the first thread title I saw at the top of the page "Why Player Housing, Sandbox Worlds, and Player Generated Content is Important". Now, I found this interesting, could this be a rather rousing discussion in which people intelligently, and (more importantly, ADULTLY (yeah yeah, thats not a word, shut it!)) talk about features that could be added in game? Or, more than likely, is it a juvenile flame-fest in which self-entitled snot-bag whiners bitch and whine about what they want. (Guess, go on, guess which one it was!) (Hint: look at the title)
The Original Poster starts off to state features from another game that he would like to see, because, to him they were interesting and fun. The usual smart ass responses come up from the community at large, which, in cases like these, is to expected, most of those are tame, and kind of funny. OP comes back to indicate that only Sandbox MMOs are successful, and this theme park MMO is doomed to failure without said features. (Ok, he didn't, Im paraphrasing from MANY, MANY people from the thread)
Perhaps I should go into things a little more such as Sandbox and Theme Park Games. Lets see, to start off, defining a Sandbox game - The developers create the world, and some base rules that govern said world. The players then come along, and create the content of the game. Pretty sure the best example of this is kind of game is EVE Online. Its pretty good, and has a devout following. Given the overall 'theme' of the game, I am sure this is why it made a good sandbox game (
While a Theme Park MMO is more along the lines of, World of Warcraft, where the world, the rules, and the content are already there for the players. They just go from ride to ride, taking it all in. Both styles of games have their merits and their downfalls. They have their fans and their detractors. Frankly, I just don't see the point of going and telling someone "Game A sucks, and Game B rules".
(I didn't link WoW, because, well, I am sure everyone can find it)
Now, back to the main point, and with the OP's outlandish statement, and lack of proof with which to back himself up, he never returned to the thread. Funny how that happens. About a page in or so, Georg Zoeller (One of the developers) comments on the style of the game (Theme Park) and how they have not hidden that fact over the last 3 or 4 years. Please notice, this game has been in development since 2008, or earlier, and it is now 2011, and the game is slated for release sometime this year. The first post about the Original subject was brought up May 22, 2011. Kind of late for this line of thought now isn't it? Now, the OP was not the part that made me /facepalm several times, it is posts from people who go out of their way to not only insult the development team, but tells them how to do their jobs!! I just have to wonder which games these people have worked on and put into the market?
The overall sense of self-entitlement has to stem from somewhere. Im guessing that mommy and daddy didn't use some form of discipline, or, maybe, just maybe, they picked it up somewhere else. Given the current track record of Blizzard rolling over and playing dead with the whiny-assed-snot-nosed 'children' that play their game, I am taking aim at them. Bad Blizzard, BAD!! If I could, I would run your nose in this stinking mess you created! For those that do not know, Blizzard came under fire by the 'community' for making their content too hard. Now, community in this case, is in quotes, because, well, any sense or anything resembling a community DOES NOT EXIST in WoW. EverQuest, had (and still does) a community. Why did this happen? I do not know. Pretty sure it had someone thinking, "hey, if no one knows my real name, I can be a complete and total jackass, with out any repercussions. So far, that train of thought has caught on, and seems to be the mainstream thinking now. And i see the community of SWTOR heading the same way.
Anyways, with this alleged 'backlash' aimed at Blizzard for challenging content, they turned around, and in the "Wrath of The Lich King" expansion, the end game content was.....dumbed down.
Instead of having to raid and wait for your turn at Epic lewts, now people can get tokens to get their gear. Not a bad thing, but considering that the tokens (points, badges, whatever) dropped or flowed rather freely, grabbing your gear was pretty easy.
For me, right now, I am done. Look, if you want people to take your seriously, don't act like a whiny piece of crap.
Thats it from me right now, and as always,
Happy Gaming.
EDIT - Adding a link to what I have just alluded to. Thank you Mr. TotalBiscuit, The Cynical Brit!
I would like to point out really quickly, that again, Blizzard has rolled over, and played dead for the whining masses of self entitled players, by nerfing content again, instead of making players try a little harder to achieve something, and make the game worthwhile.
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