Well then, this has been a day and half. Just the other day, I read over at TORO-Cast.com, that one of the contributors and co-hosts was leaving. Fo'diggity (Matt) is stepping away from the show for various personal reasons, probably the most pressing is his upcoming wedding! Congratulations, and sorry to see you go,but all the best to you and your bride, and your upcoming union!
Today upon coming home, and relaxing in front of the glow of my good old CRT, I discovered that both Kimmi and Musco have also decided to step away for various personal reasons. Again, another shocker. I guess running the show over a period of 101 weeks will take its toll. With all the planning, editing, casting, recording, further editing, writing of editorials, skimming pages upon pages of forums, digging for those tidbits, more editing, more planning and site work.
Wow......made me tired just thinking about it.
Fo, Musco, and Kimmi, just let me say, thank you for the wonderful shows! Thank you for the effort and time put into a great site, fantastic work guys! You will all be missed by the community around Toro-cast.
Samm, I wish you the best of luck with keeping things going. Considering how big the community is, I am sure that you will find yourself some quality help in keeping things going over there!
I would drop my name in the hat for working for you, but my own work schedule is pretty random as it is, and even getting to do this on a regular basis is hard. (and oh, yeah, my writing is pretty bad and needs lots of work before I go pro!!)
Happy gaming guys and girl!!
Best of Luck to you all!!
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