Sunday, June 5, 2011

Oh, your opinion is just silly!

 Ahhh...another week, and another blog / rant! Over the last week, Blizzard released a new 'super special sparkly fun-time' mount for the brainless masses with a credit card, or parents the give their little johnnies and jills everything they desire. On top of 'That Retarded Horse", other wise known as the "Sparkle Pony", Blizz is selling a flying kitty. Frankly, I dont fugging care what it is actually called. It is just another attempt to bilk money from the masses. Of course, it is Blizzard, and it probably worked. I have not gone to see how many people waited in the server queue to purchase one of these mounts, but I am guessing it was plenty enough.

 The worst part of this is, I made my opinion known, on a WoW based website. They recently featured a strip based on the new purchasable mount. Usually, the art is done by Kelly, and I am guessing the writing is done by...."supervas" . Whatever. Normally, I check it out routinely, as it is a good strip. I will right now, without hesitation, recommend it. It is worth it.
  Just don't speak out against Blizzard or WoW, or that is how it seems. I spoke out against the mount, and was told my opinion was 'silly'?!?!?!
 copy and paste of posts inc.

 starting with Vas response to my opinion. mine was "mount new
I see this kind of statement a lot when Blizzard releases new pets or mounts, and I think it’s a silly one. First and foremost, the amount of work that goes into creating a new dungeon or even a new quest line is atmospherically more complicated and intensive than designing and animating a mount or pet that they probably already have a base skeleton for.
And besides that, Blizzard is a for-profit company, and Blizzard will always be a for-profit company. If you don’t like their business practices, then don’t buy the mount, but please don’t be mad that it wasn’t a new dungeon or cut scene or scripted quest line–you’re talking about hundreds of hours of production more–and the team that would design them isn’t even the same team that would have designed this mount.

Spoken like a true Fan-boi! Im going to start in the middle of this, with the profit statement.
 "cough-ahem. NO SHIT YOU MORON!"
 Here I thought Blizz was around to give me all I wanted for free! I think I get that, I had to BUY the game in the first place, and had to pay a monthly Sub fee of $15 per month! believe me, that fact that they are in it to make money has not eluded me over the last 6 yrs! Bloody idiot! Did you work that out yourself, or did you need help. The fact that they are all in it to make money isnt news to me! EA....Mythic, Activision, Trion, Bioware, No, no, they are there to make games and make money.
 Im going to go on by recapping my response to him..(it was cleaner there than it is here, this is MY DOMAIN, and I will do what I want!)

 My own opinion is that Blizz has become too focused on making a profit at the expense of taking their time to come up with new and compelling, challenging content. Instead, they rehashed old content with a layer of 'oooh...pretty' and shoved that out the door for the masses. That, coupled with the recent announcements of nerfing the normal mode raiding content in Cataclysm, to me, does not bode well. No, this mount is a distraction. From all the wrong that Blizz has done in the last few months.

 As for development and creation teams and time? Im gonna have to say BS to that too. They probably are not the same teams, that I can agree on. However, there is still no excuse for this versus new content for the players who are ready for it.
  If Blizz feels so strongly about the micro-transaction market, then they should either A) abandon the P2P sub fees, and move into a F2P with premium content and item market-place, or B) lower the monthly sub and supplement their income with an Item marketplace. Bringing out something like this, to me, just stinks.

 I'm done with this point in going on, Blizz can suck an egg.
 After they get their hands out of 11.5 million subscribers and give them a game worth playing for once. In a looooong time.

  ...and as always, happy gaming, and go buy your retarded flying cat....../sigh

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